全球领先的智能 VMS 和 PSIM 软件开发商

Video Footage Management



我们的平台与领先的云对象存储服务具有无缝兼容性,包括微软 Azure 存储、Seagate Lyve Cloud 和 Wasabi。从本地和基于云的 Axxon One VMS 服务器捕获视频录像,现在可以安全地存储在云中,确保灵活性和安心。存储即服务可以即时进行缩放,因此您始终可以获得所需的视频存储空间,而无需花费时间和金钱采购硬件设备。

Support for edge storage

View and sync video on SD cards

Axxon One VMS software supports embedded camera storage (edge storage). Built-in camera storage is automatically detected by Axxon One when the relevant camera is added to the system. The viewing client can display video recorded to SD cards installed in cameras. You can also set up continuous replication of video, audio, and metadata from theedge storage. 

This feature facilitates the seamless management of your video assets, allowing you to view and synchronize video content stored on edge devices. Comprehensive support for different camera capabilities is a key element of modern video management systems. 

Archive Replication via the Interoperability Driver

Centralized Storage for Vehicle-Based NVRs

Simplify your data management process with Axxon One’s Archive Replication feature. You can sync video footage between independent Axxon One systems using the Interoperability Driver. Replication starts automatically when the source server is connected to the destination server. This can be used, for example, to centralize video storage of AxxonSoft-based NVRs installed on vehicles. It’s the ideal solution for those seeking to collect and archive video footage securely. 

Export functions

Enhanced Export Features for Recorded Video

Axxon One’s video archiving capabilities extend to its export functions, ensuring you have complete control over your recorded content. Experience enhanced control over your video exports with Axxon One’s comprehensive export capabilities. 

Instant Export. Quickly export still frames and videos from Live Video or Archive mode. 

Secure Export. Safeguard your data by exporting to password-protected .zip files, providing a safe evidence management solution. 

Multi-Camera Export. Export recorded video from multiple cameras simultaneously, a boon for efficient evidence management. 

File Size Management. Manage the size of exported video files: if the file size exceeds the value specified, the video is split into several files for video footage storage optimization. 

Frame Optimization. Optimize video exports with frame dropping (pruning) to save disk space. 

Privacy Masking. Prior to exporting, choose specific areas to block in the exported video sequence or image, ensuring privacy while handling evidence video. 

Image Zone Export. Easily export image zones, including dewarped fisheye frames. 

User Comment Integration. Seamlessly export user comments along with recorded video, enhancing data context and making it easier to find archive footage. 

Privacy Settings for GDPR Compliance

Hide objects or faces from those in specified user roles

Privacy settings are essential for compliance with GDPR (The EU General Data Protection Regulation) and other data protection/privacy regulations. You can mask any static or moving objects in recorded video from those in specified user roles. You can also hide faces using the face detection tool. The objects or faces will be blocked while viewing and searching the archive video footage, as well as on exported video. 

Technical specifications

A convenient table view of Axxon One VMS core functions, special features, video analytics, and supported devices and standards. 

View specs

PDF version of the complete Axxon One presentation containing detailed information about our advanced video management software. 

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Detailed information about Axxon One VMS features and technologies in a PDF format.  

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